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Pre-Reception Reading

  Read Every Day In Early years, reading at least 20 minutes every day will drastically improve your child’s reading and writing performance by the age of 15, according to an OECD report. Do your best to dramatist reading with the special sound effects and don’t...

Exams around the corner

  Exams are around the corner. With your final exams just weeks away it is easy to get trapped in a steam of stress and a burst of panic at exams, but this will only worsen your exam performance and worrying is not the solution. Here are a few pre-exam tips that...

World Education News November 2015

  World Education News OECD : AN OECD economic report found no link between an increase in higher levels of immigration and performance of school systems.    US Education News : Following the terror attacks in Paris that killed 129 people including a US...

International Education News

    Saudi Arabia Education News : In a bid to raise standards, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Education are classifying English language centres based on the quality of services they provide. Although they will not face closure, Improve News reports stars will...


What are the differences between a ‘GCSE and an IGCSE?’ Both the GCSE and iGCSE course are usually two year courses sat at the end of the National Curriculum Key stage 4. In both cases, children sit these exams usually at the age of 16. However, some more able...