September 2019 | Improve Tuition | Tutors | Tuition | Tutoring | Tutor

A Guide On SATS For Parents

First of all, what are SATS? SATS are exams that are given to children at the end of KS1 and KS2. KS1 exams are typically sat at the end of Year 2 whilst KS2 exams are at the end of Year 6. This therefore means that they are age based exams. They sit exams in the...

Sibling Rivalry or Sibling Harmony?

What should you do when two siblings differ in academic ability? What should you do when one sibling is ‘better’ than the other? What should you do when one sibling is jealous of the other? What should you do when they start to see each other as rivals and not allies?...


Enhancing our pupils English abilities ‘We don’t believe in working by age…but rather individual ability’   Our English tutors specialise in teaching a range of skills including comprehension work, SPaG understanding and analytical essay writing. We offer...

Does Not Going To University Mean You Have Failed?

Sometimes, there is an immense amount of pressure and stress put on individuals to go to university even though it may not be for them. This stress may come from family, friends, teachers and even stigma surrounding university. It is important to note that university...