Happy pupils & Parents
My tutor is very helpful
My tutor is very helpful and has improved my knowledge of things I would struggle with. The way of learning is very effective and helps make things which seem difficult easier.
Improve Tuition is a good
Improve Tuition is a good learning centre to send your children to. The tutors in Batley provide a high level of support and understanding for the pupils. Mr Dabhad provides guidance and has the pupils long term learning interest at heart. This enables pupils to have a strong foundation to build upon in the future.
Helpful, structured work. Tutors are
Helpful, structured work. Tutors are very capable and have small groups so no pupil is ignored. Feels like they care, even when they’re strict. Friendly and informal while still having academics as the ultimate focus.
My test scores have improved
My test scores have improved so much and so has my vocabulary and i am doing good in all my subjects. Without this tuiton I would not have improved significantly.
I like the group sessions
I like the group sessions better because i dont like a quite atmosphere. I also can see the changes from when I didn’t go tuition and when I do go to tuition. This tuiton has helped me alot .
I believe improve tuition is
I believe Improve Tuition is a ideal institute that I have recieved a lot of beneficial help. I personally was given a low target but with a lot of help I was able to achieve more than what I was precicted. It is a friendly zone where kids are able to socialise and learn with other children their age. My tutor is fully aware of what I can and can’t do. She knows my strengths and weaknesses; this helps her focus on what I need to improve on. Improve Tuition is a place I would definitely recommend to anyone who needs help academically. I attend the tuition in Batley.
I have found improve tuition
I have found improve tuition very beneficial, as it has helped me develop a greater understanding in my studies. The tutors are very supporting and have effectively assisted me in my work. I have also seen improvements in my school grades since I joined improve tuition and i have also made constant progress. I am in Year 10 and Maths and Science.
Improve tuition has enabled me
Improve tuition has enabled me to go from strength to strength, it has helped me consolidate and understand what I’m doing in a fun learning environment. The tutors help the students to achieve beyond school expectations, through giving us the ongoing support we need and pushing us to reach our full potential.
I have been coming to
I have been coming to improve tuition for over 2 years. My tutors have helped me to exceed my targets in subjects which I struggle with by motivating me to do the best I can with a wide range of resources. In tuition there is a very calm and inviting atmosphere which helps all the children of different age groups to engage with their learning.
I have been going to
I have been going to tuition for 5 years and it has helped me in passing my sats and moving up sets in subjects I did not feel confident in, in maths I was in set 6 and in the last 12 months I have moved up to set 2 with the help of my tutor. The atmosphere in tuition is quite relaxed and the tutors help the students to meet their targets and motivate us.
Mr Dabhad is a brilliant
Mr Dabhad is a brilliant teacher, would recommend to everyone. My 8 year old daughter has a better understanding of Maths now than what she learned at another tuition. Tution lessons here has helped her alot.
Mr Dabhad is excellent tutor.
Mr Dabhad is an excellent tutor who has helped my daughter move up a few years in a matter of 4 months. I wholeheartedly recommend Improve Tuition to anyone who is looking for genuine tuition provider.
I have come a long
I have come a very long way and I have become more confident. I have learnt lots of new ways and learning techniques which has helped me in school to understand the next topics and consolidate previous learning. Tutors are friendly and help me to understand at my pace.
Its good and the tutors
It is honestly so helpful and the tutors are knowledgeable and fun to work with. Although I was in year 9, I started as a year 2 child level. I began by learning my time tables but in 16 months I am now working on higher level maths key stage 3 which is higher than foundation GCSE book and I am in year 10. My teachers are shocked at how much progress I have made in a very short time.
Improve tuition is good for
Improve Tuition is good for all ages. You can learn lots about the subject you pick in 1 or 2 hours.
I started 4 years ago and I was really weak. I was more than 2 years behind. I was going to have my SATs the next year and I really need to catch up. I came every week and my SATs results were very good.
When I started secondary school I was in the top groups in all of my subjects.
The tutors help a lot without them I would not have made any progress and would still have been behind.
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