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Teachers in Sri-Lanka work to make children’s education free of Privatisation influence ( 16 November 2015 ) :

A  teachers Union is preparing to fight the increasing privatisation  in Sri Lanka’s Early Childhood Education sector, as they look at ways of improving access and teachers’ conditions at work.


Universities lose millions due to UK visa changes :

Independent colleges are expected to lose more than £300,000 a year as sweeping visa changes came into force in the UK this month reports Improve News.


Rise in outbound visits among Russian’s expected as Government makes learning foreign languages compulsory :

Russian high school students must learn two foreign languages, and the Russian government is planning to introduce a compulsory end of high school English exam by 2020. As a result these significant changes is expected to increase Russian outbound market, as students strive to learn foreign languages in the host country.




World Education News, 16 November 2015. Anita Kumma is an online Tutor in Washington servicing clients throughout the world.