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It can be very easy to get sucked into all the exam stress but that might be hindering your ability to focus on revision and also your performance in exams. Stress can also negatively impact your everyday activities and therefore it is essential to look after your mental state as this will help you be more at ease especially around exam season. Some side effects of stress include loss of appetite, headaches, over or under sleeping, sweating, nausea, difficulty concentrating and low self-esteem.



To help look after your mental state, here are some things you can incorporate into your everyday life:


1. Make a timetable- This sounds simple but is a very good technique. Having a timetable allows you to have a daily schedule which helps you tackle tasks in a more efficient manner. Instead of focusing on what to do every day, your timetable will tell you what to do and you can focus on your studying.


2. Take regular breaks- Whilst you are studying, it is recommended that you have a 10-minute break every 30 minutes. This is so that you aren’t over cramming your brain with information. Over cramming information will only cause your brain to forget what you have just learned. However, if you take a break and then come back to it, your brain will retain the information for longer periods of time.


3. Exercise- It is recommended to get at least 150 minutes of exercise a week. Exercise comes with many benefits that not only affect your body but also your mind. One advantage of exercising is that your brain’s activity, memory, and overall health improves. As a result, it will assist your revision and concentration levels. Another benefit of exercising includes feeling happier. Exercising releases hormones called endorphins which are responsible for elevating a person’s mood. Being happier will allow you to have a more positive outlook. Other benefits include improvement in sleep quality, enhanced relaxation and an increase in energy levels.


4. Make lists- This can either be done on paper or on your phone or any other electrical device. This allows you to transfer information from your brain to something you can see physically. Not only will this help improve productivity but it will also help free up some space in your brain for more important information.


5. Meditate- Meditation allows a person to achieve a healthier way of thinking which improves their overall outlook on life as they begin to understand their thoughts and feelings. Some positives linked to meditation are: self-awareness, improvement in memory, lengthening of attention span and controlling anxiety levels. All these benefits will help you become a better student in and outside the classroom.


6. Breathe- As human beings, we all breathe every second of every day. However, we do not pay much attention to how we breathe. Taking aside a couple of minutes every day, focusing on your breathing can help relieve stress as it makes you feel more relaxed.


7. Going on a walk- The benefits that come with walking are similar to the benefits of exercising and meditating. The recommended walking time per day is a minimum of 30 minutes at a pace at which you are comfortable with. You do not need to walk alone. Go on a walk with your dog or your friends or your siblings.


I hope these techniques help you to manage any stress you are feeling. Always remember to keep a good balance between working and having a social life!