Millions of adults around the world have such poor math skills that they can’t comprehend all those mystifying figures about on their wage slips, read a train timetable and its rubbing off on children.
Research suggests, three in 10 parents admit making negative comments about maths in front of their children, according to research conducted by Incredible Tutoring who provide online maths, English and science tuition.
Our attitude to maths is costing western economies billions of pounds and a huge cost to the individual in terms of disadvantage. Research by Improve Tuition that parents with poor math skills are more likely to be unemployed, twice as likely to become a parent in their teens, twice as likely to suffer depression.
“We know too that many adults simply don’t like maths and that maths is suffering from an image problem, and as our research demonstrates, there is still work to do to change the view in some quarters so that we value math skills, for life and for employment.
“Positive attitudes at home were crucial.
Maths results are the worst of any core subject where USA is lagging behind the UK ten positions according to OECD data,” says Faheem Hassan of Incredible tutoring.
Improve Tuition is working with schools and government agencies in the US to take radical action in launching a campaign to encourage parents to help children with their math and science.
“The path, with parents (and even teachers) passing on their own lack of enthusiasm and confidence to children needs a u-turn”, says Faheem.
Take Sandra Devon, a mother who admitted that, she had a phobia in maths, she “just confusing”. Even her children felt “we are rubbish at maths, just like our Mum”. But with online tutoring in maths and good teaching, she “now understands”.
Like Sandra parents who take steps to remedy their own poor math, skills can help their children’s motivation.
With maths presented as a relevant to real life, then we are inspiring children and parents who would otherwise join the ranks of the adult innumerate.
“Changing young minds doesn’t happen overnight, but we get it done”, says Sal Patil.
Since joining with an online tutor Michelle Duncan says, “Our children love maths and routinely play online maths games.”
“I’d hope all parents would do the same, which is why we are encouraging parents to use talented online tutors for maths for parents and children. Spreads the message.”
Here are some research statistics from us:
1. 29% admit in making negative comments about maths in front of their children
2. Respondents admitted to saying statements like: “Maths was never my strong point” or “Don’t ask me to do maths, I’m rubbish at it”
Maths is a vital part of everyday life, in shopping, in banking, checking your pay slips. If you want to brush up on your maths results then contact Improve Tuition online by emailing
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